Oakland, California


Square Dancing Definitions

Caller Lab
International Association of Square Dance Callers

Saddlebrooke Squares
video tutorials of Mainstream, great for students

Noriko Takahashi's Website
Animated square dance calls

Open Squares
Animated square dance calls. Levels: MS, Plus, A-1 English & German

Animated square dance calls

Square Dancing Resources & Associations

Where's The Dance?
A new feature of CSDC listing of all clubs in California

California Square Dance Council

California North State Dancers Association

The largest square and round dance resource on the internet

EAASDC - European Association of American Square Dancing Clubs
Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand

Grand Square International
is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of square dancing as an American folk art form

Mixed-Up Squares Square and Round Dancing in Northern California

Northern California Square Dancers Association

Santa Clara Valley Square Dancers Association A large organization of bay area square dance clubs (not just Santa Clara Valley)

Festival Trek Looking to see where more square dance festivals are? There is a site called Festival Trek that has links to many different events across the country including square dancing.

Vic and Debbie Ceder's Square Dance Resource Net
Lots of square dance resources

Other Friendly Square Dance Clubs & Associations

Capital City Squares
Levels: Mainstream, Plus

Delta Squares
Levels: Mainstream/Plus

Diablo Dancers
Walnut Creek/Martinez
Mainstream, Plus, Advanced

El Camino Reelers
Mountain View
Levels: Plus, Advanced

Foggy City Dancers
San Francisco
Levels: Mainstream, Plus

Martinez Swingers
Levels: MS, Plus, Advanced

Midnight Squares
San Francisco
Levels: A, C1, C2, C3A

PACE Nor-Cal
Pleasant Hill
Levels: Challenge

Redwood Rainbows
Levels: Mainstream, Plus

Stanford Quads
Palo Alto
Levels: Plus, Advanced, Challenge, APD

Tam Twirlers
Larkspur, Marin
Levels: MS, Plus, Advanced

Western Star Dancers
San Francisco
Levels: Mainstream, Plus





































If your club/organization is APD/same sex couple friendly and would like to be listed on our page, please contact us.